aNtHoNy fElIz

homework two

A History of (by Rachel Greene)
& Aureia Harvey + the Future of Digital Sculpture

I enjoyed reading Auriea Harvey's interview on how she transitioned into digital art after graduating as a sculptor and introduced digital art throughout all phases of the web. It was also cool to read about their VR projects and how you can see her passed sculpting skills get integrated into the 3D modeling VR world. It is great that Harvey has transitioned into making digital art in Web3. I am interested in seeing how Web3 will further develop digital art past the simple JPEGs that float around nowadays. It was pretty cool to read about what was and read up a bit on the history of certain pieces that existed back when it first started to become a thing. I feel you can't really beat some of these works' old aesthetic vibe. Generating art with code is something that I find really fun to mess around with, and I look forward to creating interesting pieces.